Movies featuring panos-karavousanos

Makrykostas and Kontogiorgis

The yellow gloves

The Policeman of the 16th Precinct

Out Poverty and Good Heart

The Lake of Sighs

10 Days in Paris


Marinos Kontaras

Ο Άνθρωπος της Καρπαζιάς

Without parents and siblings

A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush

Πράκτορες 005 Εναντίον Χρυσοπόδαρου

The Girl of the Neighbourhood

Τι κι αν γεννήθηκα φτωχός

Ladies of the Courtyard

Above all... Coolness

Ο Καταφερτζής

Fifis the Unbeatable